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Our first show on Saturday, September 28th was a resounding success! Thank you to everybody who came, to our brave readers, and to our hosts!


CHRIS FARNSWORTH was born and raised in Idaho, where he worked as an investigative and business reporter for several years, before selling his first script, THE ACADEMY, to MGM. He is also the writer of the Nathaniel Cade series, about a vampire who works for the President of the United States. The books, BLOOD OATH, THE PRESIDENT’S VAMPIRE, and RED, WHITE, AND BLOOD, are available now from G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

COBURN HAWK went to an art school, stumbled into the film business where he ended up doing pyrotechnics and weapons handling, successfully got OUT of the film business (harder then getting in) and found himself in technology, where he now works as a Director of User Experience. In his first novel THE MIDDLE MAN, he chose to rewrite the afterlife and explore the question “who runs purgatory?” He is currently writing book two in the series THE THREE KEYS …The “Knotted Circle” series is at least a trilogy, probably more like five books…

JENNIFER BOSWORTH attended the University of Utah, where she later taught continuing education classes on writing horror, science fiction, and fantasy. She moved to Los Angeles and is part of a writer/director duo with her husband, Ryan Bosworth. Her first novel, STRUCK, came out on May 8, 2012.

STEVEN-ELLIOT ALTMAN is a bestselling SciFi author of such novels as DEPRIVERS, ZEN IN THE ART OF SLAYING VAMPIRES and THE KILLSWITCH REVIEW. He’s also written comic books like THE IRREGULARS and video games such as 9DRAGONS. His most recent runaway success is the Facebook game PEARL’S PERIL. He pitches left, bats right.

GRETCHEN McNEIL is an opera singer, writer and clown. She has three novels, POSSESS, TEN, and 3:59, with GET EVEN and GET DIRTY coming out in 2014 and 2015, respectively.

ROSS HELFORD is a produced screenwriter, Black Belt in Kenpo Karate, trombonist, long-time practitioner of Kundalini Yoga, and teacher. Also, he is nearly finished earning an MFA in creative writing from UC Riverside’s low-residency Palm Desert program.

We’ve taken some advice to heart and will be making a few tweaks and changes to our show, making it stronger and better, and we’ve begun planning our November event! Keep an eye out for the information!